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Gas rebranded as green energy by EU

"Victory for gas lobby as aims of €80bn EU innovation programme altered to channel money to 'low-carbon' fossil fuel"

Category: Energy sources


Using shale gas over coal does not help climate, says big gas investor

"Scottish Widows Investment Partnership says fracking companies not bothering to capture 'fugitive methane'"


SpaceX's billionaire founder Elon Musk calls Dragon capsule just the beginning

"Private company's space-exploration breakthrough will make us a 'multi-planet species', entrepreneur says"

Category: Space


Bonn climate talks end in discord and disappointment

"Climate crisis is not caused by lack of options and solutions, but lack of political action, says Greenpeace spokeswoman"

Category: Climate Change


Gap widens between official and actual mpg figures for cars

"Big difference between miles per gallon economy achieved in lab tests and on the road, and even eco cars lag behind"

Displaying results 251 to 255 out of 2977